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Turkse interventie in Syrië

5-3-2018 Het Turkse leger voert sedert 20 januari een operatie uit in de Syrische regio Afrin. De vele doden en gewonden laten zien dat het conflict hierdoor is opgelaaid. Tevens is sprake van toenemende onderdrukking van activisten die zich in Turkije tegen deze oorlog verzetten. De WRI is solidair met deze vredesactivisten en steunt hun strijd voor vrede in Syrië, Turkije en elders.


Tekst van de verklaring:


The Turkish military has been running an operation called 'Olive Branch' in Syria since 20th January 2018. Reports from the region show the human cost of the ongoing operation, including hundreds of dead as well as injured ; and show how it has fuel led conflict in the region.


Meanwhile, reports from inside Turkey cover stories of increasing oppression of the dissident voices opposed to war. These include hundreds of people detained or arrested due to their social media posts criticising the government and its military intervention, as well as the arrests and detainment of the prominent figures, such as the Turkish Medical Association council members who opposed the military operation declaring "war is a matter of public health".


War Resisters' International stands in solidarity with activists in Turkey supporting peace and opposing war in Syria, Turkey and elsewhere. Click here to read a statement by the Human Rights Association and Human Rights Foundation of Turkey , which WRI's Turkey Working Group endorses, on the ongoing military operation in Northern Syria.

Bron: WRI