23-10-2019 Uit een recent opinieonderzoek in Groot-Brittannië blijkt dat een groot deel van de bevolking herdenkingen van oorlogsslachtoffers wil die niet militaristisch zijn. Ze vinden dat de herdenkingen een boodschap van vrede moeten uitstralen.
An opinion poll conducted by Populus has revealed that a staggering 83% of UK adults want to remember victims of war of all nationalities.
The poll found that 83% agreed with the statement, "Remembrance Sunday should involve remembering people of all nationalities who have died in war".
This is a principle usually associated with white poppies, which are produced by the Peace Pledge Union, while red poppies focus only on casualties from the UK and its allies.
Even more people - 86% - believe that civilians killed in war should be remembered alongside armed forces personnel. In addition, 85% agreed that "Remembrance Sunday should primarily have a message of peace".
The Royal British Legion, producers of the red poppy, refuse to accept that remembrance should include people of all nationalities.
Earlier this week, the Peace Pledge Union welcomed the British Legion's decision to change their policy and include civilians in Remembrance for the first time. It is not clear whether they are thinking only of British civilians.
The poll was conducted by Populus, an independent company who interviewed a representative sample of the UK adult population. The Peace Pledge Union commissioned the poll but took no part in the gathering of data.
In the light of the poll, the Peace Pledge Union (PPU) called on the government and local authorities to ensure that Remembrance events consider both civilian and military victims of war of all nationalities, and focus on building peace rather than on celebrating military marches.
Geoff Tibbs, Remembrance Project Manager at the Peace Pledge Union, said:
"It is now clear that the British public want a more inclusive Remembrance that carries a message of peace, and this has always been the message of the white poppy. Most people now reject the nationalist narrative of Remembrance that focuses overwhelmingly on the British military. Politicians and local communities not be afraid to put peace and inclusivity at the centre of Remembrance events this year. We encourage them to explicitly commemorate people of all nationalities, including civilians."
Bron: Peace Pledge Union