28-4-2014 Binnenkort zal 'Gaza's Ark' uitvaren - een Palestijnse vissersboot met Palestijnse exportproducten. De verwachting is dat Israël dit zal trachten te verhinderen. Al bijna zeven jaar wordt Gaza door Israël van de buitenwereld afgesneden. Gaza's Ark wil daar de aandacht op vestigen. Hieronder staan drie manieren waarop wij dit initiatief kunnen steunen.
Join Noam Chomsky & Alice Walker in Challenging the Israeli Blockade of Gaza
For nearly seven years, Gaza has been under siege. Its 1.8 million inhabitants have been denied their rights to move and trade freely. Farmers are blocked from farming their land. Fishermen have their lives threatened and their property confiscated. And, crucially, Palestinian producers have been blocked from exporting their goods. Gaza's economy has been devastated.
In the short run, aid is necessary but, in the long run, aid not the answer. Freedom is the answer. That's why we've been working on Gaza's Ark, an international initiative to challenge the blockade politically by exporting Palestinian goods through the port of Gaza.
Gaza's Ark is a refurbished fishing boat that will soon sail from Gaza carrying Palestinian export goods. Like other boats that have attempted to break the blockade, Gaza's Ark will face the danger of interception by Israeli forces. That's why we need your help today.
The UN and world governments have it in their power to ensure safe passage of Gaza's Ark and an end to the siege. Prominent human rights activists from around the world are initiating the call - will you join them?
Here's what you can do:
1. Join our Thunderclap promoting the petition. Thunderclap allows large groups of people to blast social media all at once with one resounding message. Our Thunderclap will help promote the international call for an end to the blockade and raise awareness about Gaza's Ark. All you have to do to participate is visit the link, select which social media you'd like to post to, authorize the Thunderclap app to post on your behalf this one time, and that's it! Thunderclap won't retain your information and will only post to your account once for this campaign.
2. Participate in our Twitter Storm Monday, April 28 at 4pm Eastern (3pm Central, 1pm Pacific.) The objective of a Twitter Storm is create a sudden burst of activity on a particular hashtag to get the topic trending and raise awareness. Participants should attempt to tweet once every minute for up to an hour. Participate for however long you like-but be sure to be there for the beginning! We'll send the hashtag tomorrow about half an hour before the storm begins. Sample tweets will be available at the following link at that time:
3. Sign the petition. Join world-renowned human rights activists such as Noam Chomsky, Mairead Maguire, and Alice Walker in signing Gaza's Ark's petition calling upon the UN to take action to end the siege of Gaza.
Bron: Allard de Rooi