16-7-2014 In de brief wordt o.a. gewezen op de voorwaarden die Israël verbond aan de eenzijdig afgekondigde wapenstilstand. Die hielden een voortzetting in van de blokkade van Gaza, de buitengerechtelijke executies en het gevangenzetten van Palestijnen zonder aanklacht. Ook wordt gewezen op de zeer ongelijke tol in doden en gewonden die Israëliërs en Palestijnen betalen.
Brief van Jewish Voice for Peace van 15 juli 2014:
This morning, we had hoped to wake up to news of a ceasefire. Instead, the unrelenting attack on Gaza continues. Over 187 Palestinians and one Israeli have been killed. 1,300 Palestinians and 15 Israelis injured.
Israel announced this morning that it would accept a unilateral ceasefire, but the terms were actually a continuation of Israel's ongoing war on civilians -- a continued blockade of Gaza, continued extrajudicial assassinations, continued imprisonment of Palestinians without charge, and continued occupation. And with no guarantee Israel wouldn't violate the agreement as they have on numerous occasions in the past.
Three times in the last six years, Israel has conducted extraordinarily lopsided operations against the people of Gaza, and each time the civilian population has paid a major price. Even with some of the most sophisticated protection in the world, the fearful experience of rockets falling on Israel means that Israelis and the world pay attention during these escalations.
But they largely ignore the fact that the people of Gaza, who have no protection whatsoever, have been living under an unacceptable state of siege for the last 7 years. And that the Palestinian people as a whole remain stateless, and have been living under a brutal military occupation for 47 years.
We will continue our efforts to respond to the current situation (please keep up to date here) while keeping in mind that when the bombs stop falling, Israel's decades-long assault on Palestinian human rights will continue.
We will redouble our efforts to address the long-term causes and solutions.
While we monitor the situation, below are a few pieces, mostly from the last 24 hours, that we have found useful. We hope you will read them and share them with friends, family, and community.
* from IMEU: FAQ on Failed Effort to Arrange Ceasefire Between Israel and Hamas.
* from 972mag: What Does Israeli Acceptance of "Ceasefire" Really Mean?
* from Leftern Wall: Facing the Massacre With Eyes Shut
* from Electronic Intifada: Urgent Call from Gaza Civil Society: Act Now
* and the Occupy Judaism statement on the possible ceasefire
With hope for better days ahead,
Cecilie Surasky, Deputy Director
Bron: jewishvoiceforpeace.org, 15-7-2014