4-10-2019 De nieuwe studiegids "Engaging Nonviolence: Activating Nonviolent Change in Our Lives and Our World" is verkrijgbaar. Tot 21 oktober zelfs met 15% korting. Het 230 pagina's tellende boek, geschreven door Nina Koevoets en Veronica Pelicaric, werd eerder dit jaar in Den Haag gepresenteerd. Het boek is een leidraad voor kleine studiegroepen, maar kan ook individueel gelezen worden.
The Engaging Nonviolence Study Program is a fifteen-part study and action guide offering participants a wide variety of principles, stories, exercises, and readings for learning, practicing, and experimenting with the power of creative nonviolence for personal and social transformation.
In this book you will learn powerful methods for opposing violence and injustice and for building just and peaceful nonviolent alternatives. Engaging Nonviolence is designed to build your capacity to use these methods to address the direct, structural or cultural violence that matters most to you. We invite you to embark on this exploration and experimentation with nonviolence.
This book is designed with a small-group learning process in mind and will help within a wide range of contexts and settings. It can be led either by people with minimal facilitation experience or by those with a significant background in leading group processes.
Een aantal aanbevelingen:
"In this world addicted to violence, how do we challenge the violence, war and injustice in our society and our world nonviolently? Engaging Nonviolence is a very useful resource for you and your friends, colleagues, fellow students or members of your faith community to gain the understanding and skills to live and act nonviolently and powerfully to create a more just and peaceful world. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Together we Shall Overcome!"
David Hartsough, author of Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist and Co-founder of Nonviolent Peaceforce and World Beyond War
"The last thirty or so years have seen a remarkable and long-overdue outpouring of work on nonviolence -- histories, scholarly studies, plans and strategies for organization and action. Engaging Nonviolence is a welcome addition in a category we need more of, and urgently: a how-to manual on organizing and conducting nonviolent learning and training sessions. I cannot think of a detail not covered by this manual, from changing our perceptions, to introducing the key concepts and images that convey them, to how to arrange the chairs at your sessions. All this is built on the long, careful experience of the authors and Pace e Bene in doing just this and carrying through with important actions. I greet it with enthusiasm, and hope it will be read, and put to work, in communities around the country and beyond."
Michael Nagler, Founder of the Metta Center
"Engaging Nonviolence is an ambitious manual guiding people and movements facing challenges such as the climate crisis, structural injustices or authoritarianism. It is a valuable resource for social justice activists working on a range of topics and causes, and a collection of hands-on experiences and training sessions within the program of Pace e Bene, emanating from a rich and wholistic approach to grassroot education. Nonviolence is shown to be both a way of life and a pragmatic strategy to achieve social justice. This manual is an updated version, now more adapted to international needs and the experiences made by the authors, focused on detailed descriptions of tools and concepts, directions for exercises, and a suggested study program with sessions. It is well written and clearly structured."
Stellan Vinthagen, Endowed Chair in the Study of Nonviolent Direct Action and Civil Resistance, Professor of Sociology at University of Massachusetts, Amherst and at University of Gothenburg, Sweden