3-12-2019 War Resisters' International heeft recent de brochure 'Countering Military Recruitment: Learning the lessons of counter-recruitment campaigns internationally' uitgebracht. Daarin staan voorbeelden van campagnes en acties tegen de militarisering van de jeugd in verschillende landen.
Countering the militarisation of youth' is one of WRI's major areas of work. In making this booklet, we set out to investigate one part of this activism: campaigns to counter the recruitment of young people by armed forces and armed groups.
From ad-busting to nonviolence training, to promoting peace education and others, the contributions in the booklet provide many ideas for different tactics to counter the recruitment of young people. They also suggest that methods for resisting recruitment necessarily vary across different contexts.
Given the diversity of these campaigns, the booklet is not so much a how-to-guide for counter-recruitment as an exploration of the issues in counter-recruitment. We hope it will be a useful starting point for groups wanting to begin this work, and thought-provoking for those already doing it.
You can download a pdf copy here or in the attachment below.
Bron: WRI