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Vredesscripitieprijs 2013-2014

17-6-2014 Dit jaar zal voor de 7e keer de MA Thesis Prize "Visions on Peace" worden toegekend aan een masterstudent die een scriptie heeft geschreven van bijzondere kwaliteit op het gebied van vrede en veiligheid. De prijs is een initiatief van de Stichting Vredeswetenschappen in samenwerking met UPEACE. Studenten kunnen zich aanmelden tot 5 september a.s.


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This year, for the 7th time, the Dutch MA Thesis Prize "Visions on Peace" will be awarded to a Master student who wrote a thesis of exceptional quality in the field of peace and security issues.

The thesis prize is an initiative of the Foundation Peace Sciences (Stichting Vredeswetenschappen, SVW), a foundation that wants to stimulate scientific knowledge and expertise in the field of peace and conflict (www.stichtingvredeswetenschappen.nl). As of 2013 SVW cooperates with UPEACE Centre The Hague, the European centre of the UN mandated University for Peace, based in Costa Rica (www.upeace.nl en www.upeace.org).


Deadline for application is 5 September 2014. The application procedure can be found at www.visionsonpeace.nl.


Eligible for the prize are Master students who:

- wrote a thesis related to peace and security issues;

- attended a Master's study at a Dutch university or at another institution of higher education in The Netherlands;

- completed their thesis between 1 July 2013 and 1 September 2014. The thesis must be rated with a minimum of 8 and should be written in correct English or Dutch;

- send the application form and the other required documents to info@visionsonpeace.nl before 5 September 2014;

- did not participate before in the "Visions on Peace" thesis competition.

The prize of €1.500 is sponsored by the ASN Bank. The prize will be awarded at the annual symposium of Stichting Vredeswetenschappen (in November-December 2014, final date to be announced).  The symposium will take place at the University of Groningen and will deal with "Past, Present and Future of Peace Research". More details on the symposium will be announced after the summer and can then be found at www.stichtingvredeswetenschappen.nl and www.upeace.nl.
