5-11-2014 In Algerije werd het 'Internationale congres van vrouwen voor een cultuur van vrede' gehouden. Het was het eerste congres van deze aard en omvang, 3000 deelnemers, in de Moslim-wereld. Het thema werd breed genomen zodat b.v. ook het wel of niet gesluierd gaan aan de orde kwam.
Algeria hosts from Monday, October 27 to Saturday, November 1 at Oran and Mostaganem, the first International Women's Congress for a Culture of Peace. This event is the first of such magnitude, on women and peace issues in the Muslim world. This international conference with the theme: "Word to Women" is an act of recognition and solidarity (of and with) the feminine side of humanity who are oppressed and suffering in many parts of the world.
It expresses a remarkable willingness of certain components of Arab-Muslim societies to bring the ideals of openness, to live together in peace and to improve certain troubled situations.
"The events that occupy the news shows us that we must make fundamental changes in how we live together. We must make lasting changes through education and this is one of the reasons why women have an important role to play in building a culture of peace" said Sheikh Khaled Bentounès, leader of the Sufi brotherhood Alawiyya, one of the organizers of this conference.
According to him, it is the women "that transmit the values of equality, compassion and cooperation. They should participate in the debate of ideas now to build the foundations of a culture of peace. "
The first International Women's Congress is organized on the initiative of the NGO Aisa, which has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN, and the Al-Arif Djanatu foundation dedicated to sustainable development,
The Algerian authorities are heavily involved in this event, in terms of safety, but also on the effective participation in the work and trade.
No fewer than 54 speakers and 3,000 delegates are expected from around the world. They will speak and discuss with the public in 5 thematic areas: Perspectives, Ethics and Education, tradition and modernity, veiling and unveiling, Women and Culture of Peace.
Bron: Bulletin of World Report on the Culture of Peace