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Zeg nee tegen de oorlog

9-3-2023 De feministische vredesorganisatie CodePink uit de VS, kwam ter gelegenheid van de Internationale Vrouwendag met een petitie aan president Biden. Daarin wordt gezegd dat er geen militaire oplossing voor de oorlog in Oekraïne is en er onderhandelingen moeten komen. Verder wordt opgeroepen tot samenwerking in plaats van competitie met China. U kunt de petitie ook tekenen.


CodePink schrijft:


On this International Women's Day, like IWD 2003, we are calling on the world to end wars. We are asking our global community who wants peace to sign our petition to President Biden calling on him to stop stoking war with Russia and China and to push for a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine. Endlessly fueling the war only puts more people at risk. 20 years ago on IWD, women from around the world gathered to call for an end to war that was killing women, their children, and their loved ones all over the world. IWD 2023, our demands remain the same.


We call on everyone to share this petition with 3 people you know to help get as many signatures as possible, but also to raise up the message of diplomacy and negotiations in a time where diplomatic solutions to war are shrugged off. The people and the planet cannot afford a nuclear war. Sign below!


Dear President Biden,


Women and our allies around the world, on International Women's Day call on you to encourage peace talks in Ukraine and commit to collaboration with China to address the world's toughest problems instead of further stoking wars against China and Russia.


We condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine. We condemn NATO's provocation that has played a major role in exacerbating this conflict, facilitating a 2014 coup to overthrow the democratically elected leader of Ukraine and breaking promises not to expand NATO into Eastern Europe, where offensive missiles in Romania and Poland could reach Russia in minutes.


We recognize that there is no military solution in Ukraine. If you truly care about stopping the slaughter of innocent civilians, you would stop prolonging the war with continued shipments of weapons and make a serious push for negotiations. War exacerbates issues of domestic violence, assault, and other harms against women. We implore you to call for a ceasefire on International Women's Day and beyond.


In regards to China, we call on you to build cooperation instead of competition. Our biggest common threat is climate change, and China and the United States could begin to truly address the issue and begin to find solutions together. In order to save our planet from destruction, the United States of America must embrace a multipolar world by stopping aggression towards China. For the safety of women, our children, and loved ones, we cannot risk a war between our two countries.




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Bron: CodePink